Elvira Keller • CERAMIC ART


The works I have conceived and displayed for exhibitions and competitions

Community: Mino

A village of houses in a circle
Special mention for the 2017 International ceramic festival of Mino, Japan


A village of houses in a circle
Exposed in Convivium, first edition of CeramicAppignano National Competition.

Inside Outside

A country, a community, or a lonely and protected place


A work inspired by the forms of nature, specifically marine flora and fauna, anemones, corals, and crustaceans

Elvira Keller, titolo Le possibilità dei fili

Le possibilità dei fili

(The Possibilities of Threads)

Coloured threads and tangles as a representation of the thoughts and patterns of the mind and life.



A reflection about the meaning of cages, according to my point of view

Elvira Keller titolo credevo di essermi persa

Credevo di essermi persa

(I thought I was lost)

A metaphorical forest, and a safe place to find shelter

Altri Mondi

(Other Worlds)

Forms from a future in which the things we care about must be protected: cities, houses, plants, etc.

Garden Family

A dreamlike garden in which each element is a person of my family, each with its own characteristics



showroom, workshop and store



Prize Competitions and Exhibitions



site specific and scupltures

Elvira Keller serie limitate e progetti site specific


collaborations and limited series